here are some pics of the first strike protest i've been to in france - pretty cool!
perfectly civil yet the feeling of confrontational energy was in the air!
its hard to tell from the pics but the papers estimated that between 5 and 10 thousand primary and upper school teachers along with high school students took to the streets of Nantes last Thursday to protest massive budget cuts to the national school system - it seems their cutting funds and jobs - in particular, for what I would call 'one-on-ones', that is, aides for troubled students.
since the teachers i work with were striking, i didn't have class and so instead i had a blast following them around all afternoon, taking pictures and video.
that night was the annual debut of beaujolais nouveau and after extensive tasting i am happy to say that it's delissssshhhhhussss. ;-)
finally - after knocking on my landlord's door to ask them about a recommendation for a doctor in the neighborhood, i was invited in to chat about it and then invited to tea and cookies - and then they were even so kind as to give me the network key for their wifi - so i now have internet at the apt - for free!!!! in fact - i'm writing this at home right now - woohoo!
so - i continue to be incredibly grateful to have landed here - the delanoe's are wonderful folks. how i'll ever properly demonstrate my gratitude i don't know......