Sunday, November 23, 2008

my first greve & beaujolais nouveau

here are some pics of the first strike protest i've been to in france - pretty cool!
perfectly civil yet the feeling of confrontational energy was in the air!

its hard to tell from the pics but the papers estimated that between 5 and 10 thousand primary and upper school teachers along with high school students took to the streets of Nantes last Thursday to protest massive budget cuts to the national school system - it seems their cutting funds and jobs - in particular, for what I would call 'one-on-ones', that is, aides for troubled students.
since the teachers i work with were striking, i didn't have class and so instead i had a blast following them around all afternoon, taking pictures and video.
that night was the annual debut of beaujolais nouveau and after extensive tasting i am happy to say that it's delissssshhhhhussss. ;-)
finally - after knocking on my landlord's door to ask them about a recommendation for a doctor in the neighborhood, i was invited in to chat about it and then invited to tea and cookies - and then they were even so kind as to give me the network key for their wifi - so i now have internet at the apt - for free!!!! in fact - i'm writing this at home right now - woohoo!
so - i continue to be incredibly grateful to have landed here - the delanoe's are wonderful folks. how i'll ever properly demonstrate my gratitude i don't know......

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

dinner party

This was a fun night at my place - had dinner for 15 (!!!) and it came off pretty good - people even went back for seconds of the curry i made!!

prolly the most international group yet with representatives from the us, ireland, spain, saragossa, austria, chile, mexico and uruguay!

the smoking corner rachels awesome apple crisp

in other news - finally scored a gig tutoring on the side (shhh - dunno if i'm supposed to!)

for my principal's teenage daughter. should be fun, challenging and of course its a little extra dough! word!
nothing else too new or special - loving the thrift stores here in nantes, loving the parc proce where i go for a run a couple times a week and school still going fine....
more soon!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

some of the best euros i've spent

ice skating!


this is the way we ride the tram...ride the tram....ride the tram.....

i ride the tram a lot.
no really....i mean it - a LOT!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

toussaint and obama!!!

pont aven ; 12th century chapel; quimper's own scotch

ancient celtic tomb; lighthouse x 3; guy we bought oysters from

rocky coastline cool cove

bernard and martine.................. glenn martine and i

loire valley

more loire


what a great way to end vacation - am currently sitting in the Lieu Unique watching Obama's acceptance speech with tears streaming down my face and sniffling away. a little embarrassing but worth it.....
so i spent most of my toussaint break with the illustrious glenn gossett, world traveller extraordinaire. after a day or so here in nantes, letting him catch up on sleep, we were off to tours, where we stayed for the night and got horribly lost trying to get dinner. next day, off to taste wine in vouvray, chinon, and saumur. the rain held off long enough for us to enjoy the fall colors on the vines and take in some nice views of the river and the hills on either side. from there it was off to quimper, where we got lost again (sensing a theme here folks?) and where our mutual friend martine lives. she and her boyfriend bernard hopped in the car and the four of us spent the next 2 days driving all over the coast of brittany, seeing wonderfully rocky coastlines, ancient chapels, towering lighthouses, pretty little coves covered in beautiful pebbles and dotted with caves and german bunkers and of course dolmens and menhirs (celtic standing stones and tombs). had a magnificent dinner in pont aven, where van gogh used to hang out, at an old stone mill. also feasted one night on mussles and oysters and i was even brave enough to eat a RAW oyster! can you believe it??
anyway, back to nantes and spent his last night just chilling at the apt, enjoying treats from the traiteur such as homemade pates and tomatoes farcies, some tasty pastries and of course the lovely loire wine that glenn so graciously and generously obtained.
now it's back to work for me - ready to see my students again and continue my french adventure here in nantes....