Thursday, June 11, 2009

the countdown begins

hello all and sundry, the month of june is flying by and very soon my sojourn here will be history! i've been trying half-heartedly to get ready by packing some boxes but i think i'm still gonna have too much stuff to carry when all is said and done. wish me luck! since i posted last, there's been some fun stuff going on that i can tell y'all about. my buddies and i did another mini beach trip to st. michel-chef-chef. (what a name right?)
but a beautiful beach.

also went to the last FC Nantes game which was even more fun than usual because there were protests outside and inside the stadium. apparently things got even more wild after the game and the crowd had to be dispersed with tear gas. (*sigh* i will miss the demonstrations)

the protest outside on the way to the arena.
riot police!

rachel, being her usual, silly self.

me rae and april

banners and general mayhem

the first weekend of june was Royale de Luxe and that deserves it's very own post, so....
a toute suite!

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