i'm anxious to get out and take pics on a nice day so i can post them here...
as for more little things, here goes:
there don't seem to be school buses so students ride public transportation with the rest of us. i'm sure it's like that in big cities in the us but it's quite something to get on a bus at 4:30 when they get out and be crammed up against fifty adolescents! sometimes i think i'm going to get a contact high from the hormones!
also, you have to bring your own bags to the grocery store! i think this is brilliant. of course they sell them if you need (for about .15E) but everyone's got their own system. little old laidies bring a rolling cloth bag in general. reminds me of weaver street. :)
in other news - met my roommate last night for the first time - her name is Julianne, seems about my age and seems pretty cool so far.
also met a whole bunch of spanish assistants yesterday - many are from mexico but there's a couple from spain, and from various places in south america. we toured duchess anne's castle and had a drink at 'le lieu unique' - a cool bar situated in the old LU factory, then off to the train station to see one of the girls off when calamity struck. another of the assistants got her wallet stolen while she was on the phone, so the next hour was spent getting the cops and searching trash cans to see if it got tossed. no luck....sad for her but a good reminder to us all to keep our heads about us!

got my schedule today and it looks pretty easy - all day monday, all day friday at 'jacqueline auriol', tuesday prep period at 'joli mai', wednesday my other hour and a half at 'rabotiere'. looks like all of my students will be fifth and fourth graders and maybe some third graders.
was kind of wishing for either monday or friday off to have the long weekend but you can't have it all and i've got so much vacation that it's gonna be great regardless. tomorrow i find out (at a separate meeting) when exactly i start. could be next week! woohoo! it'll just be observation but that's fine by me. one other thing that i'm not super psyched about is that apparently the classroom teacher has to be in the room with us at all times. this seems to be comforting for the other assistants who have never taught before but for me it kinda cramps my style. i'm just real used to having my own domain....spoiled i guess, by burton. hmpf. that's ironic. never thought i would say that i was spoiled by burton but i really was.
off to make dinner again tonight - found the asian store and obtained curry paste and coconut milk so it's masaman beef for supper! yay!
this is from dinner the other night with 'les espagnoles' ana - from uruguay, julian from argentina
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