Wednesday, October 22, 2008

la vie nantaise

hi again everybody - things here are well - starting to settle into a routine with teaching. i'm very fortunate to have my own space in which to teach at each of the two schools i visit so i've been spending lots of time making materials for the walls n stuff. other than that not much else is up. looking forward to vacation next week and my first us visitor - the illustrious glenn gossett!

here's some fun pics:

awful spider invader in my room. i actually had the balls to get it out with the broom - which was quite and acheivement for me....

yummy breakfast: croissant, plain yogurt w/ honey and granola, naner, java.

ok - how french am i? scarf? check. baguette? check. smoke? check. i think i'm there.

new friends - lunch at angels with fellow assistants from all over the world!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Check your email!!!